Despite where you are coming from Nyanga Views leave you standing in awe!
No-matter which cottage you stay you will still have an opportunity to enjoy all the activities in Nyanga. Unlike other destinations, Nyanga activities and places of interest are not concentrated in one place. You will still need to drive from point A to point B to do another activity. We highly recommend you use off-road vehicles especially during the rainy season. If it is the dry season any vehicle with high clearance (SUVs) will do.
- Avoid night driving as sometimes the mist gets so thick and limit your night vision.
- Always carry a jersey with you in case the weather changes as the weather is unpredictable.
- Carry your bottled water and snacks when you go out for activities as most activity sites do not have restaurants or supermarkets.
- Wear sneakers or comfortable shoes when going out for activities as most activity sites involves long walks and hiking.
- For any guided tours around Nyanga please do get in touch with us as our guides are partially available.
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